Kat Draven
Kat Draven
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Books (1)
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Kat Draven

16 year old boy asks his Mom:
"Mom, what are you going to get
me for my 18th birthday?"
The Mother answers, "son
that's still a long way."
The boy turns 17 and one day he
His Mom takes him to the hospital
and the doctor said
"Madam your child has a bad
heart." Being the child On
the stretcher the child says,
"Did she tell you I'm going to die?"
Mom Starts crying
The boy finally recovers on
his 18th Birthday, he comes
home and on his... Show more

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ohhhhh no this is really heart touching story you know what everybody love mother like you and me and all people are love alot but sometimes i cry because of mom she is best for you when you feel alone ,mom always with his son, when his son feel hurt mom always with his son i... Show more

Important Post
Kat Draven

(1) Crazy
(2) I'd marry you.
(3) I'd date you.
(4) Sarcastic.
(5) I miss you.
(6) I'd kiss you.
(7) Beautiful.
(8) Smart.
(9) Imaginative.
(10) Random.
(11) Jerk.
(12) Funny.
(13) awesome.
(14) amazing.
(15) tough.
(16) cute.
(17 I'd hit you with a bus.
(18)I love you.
(19) Weirdo.
(20) Friends forever.
(21) Marry me?
(22) Your mine!
(23) I never want to lose you!
(24) I'd ask you out.
(25) I'd eat you up...
(26) I'd kidnap you...
(27) Flawless!
(28)... Show more

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