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My melody you are...
the melody which my mind dance with,you are...
my letters` tune,my words,you are...
my poems` melody,you are...
my whispers` Melody's` life,you are...
a melodies you are...
play more, give me more...
play a tunes to my soul...
sing poetical chant to fancier dreamy lover...
feel my melodies and sing them to me...
sing them by you imaginations...
in your own style...
to melt all... Show more
Mermaid ,once met...
from the depth of ocean,i heard a sound...
its whispers lured me to turn back...
and to rend away a silents` dread from inside...
turned myself back...
to see a beautiful fashioned never saw before...
dancing at my tracks foots...
paused for a while with no mind...
even ,as my heart stopped beating...
just only my eyes deeply watched and got confused...
a beautiful fashioned mermaid that only heard... Show more
Dreams with no walls..
dream with every night...
nights only just to dream...
to get you and to dream about you...
to feel a desires with and through you...
and to get unlimited libido with no worries...
with no shame from one other...
only there i can do whatever i wish from you...
there where i can besiege your body into my dream...
with no worries from touching you...
with no worries to be so close...
and to get bodies... Show more
Immortal night...
in this serene poetic night...
under a moon and a star`s light...
soul got cohered...
and bodies were so close...
and every thing around was so poetic...
as we were into a dream...
feelings and longings were as a butterflies...
hearts flowed deeply over, with a volcano of love...
gave us, its powerful adorable night...
sweet dreamy girl...
i loved that night which we spent...
spent there into the heart of deeply... Show more
Again newly...
adore you...
even need to adore you newly again...
to love you,madly love...
and to take me away there...
into your beautiful crazy world...
to drive all craziness inside me...
and to snatch me away from myself...
need you to wrest away my breathes...
as the first time i saw you...
newly again,please do...
need you to raid my roseate dreams...
to occupy my hearts` land...
to be the only and the first... Show more
Addicted your love...
need you...
need your heart...
need your body...
which i housed and became my eternal city...
need your sympathy...
your mercy...
and your love...
which it exceed all lovers` passion..
sweet lovely dreamy girl...
i lost myself...
as i lost the safety and the peace...
lost mercy and a sympathy...
even my breathes runs away from me...
through this absence..
while i been away...
need the safety which left... Show more