nihatbhl’s Groups
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Wolf Pack Nightrun Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
- 23 Members
- 12 Posts
- Public Group
Hi im Alpha, Fillin. And I i want you guys to join my wolf pack. You can post what you look like, what your skills are ,and what position you wold like to have. I will assign the positions based on your skills. Alpha Female: Jess Alpha Male: Beta Female:Anu5 Beta Male: Omega Female:Jess Omega Male: Other members:
Latest Post: September 12, 2015, 7:02am
Vampire Diaries
- 334 Members
- 111 Posts
- Public Group
Hier in der Gruppe "Vampire Diaries" geht es, wie der Name schon sagt, um die Bücher, sowie die Serie von Vampire Diaries.
Alle die Fans sind, sind natürlich herzlich eingeladen beizutreten.
Aber Achtung! Das Thema Vampire ist weit verbreitet und wir basieren diese Gruppe nicht nur auf die Serie oder die Büch... Read more...
Latest Post: August 10, 2014, 11:21am
Inspirational Writers
- 81 Members
- 33 Posts
- Public Group
For all the writers out there who are told they won't be any good, this group is for people like us who don't care what people think and just write. You can ask about other people's books or start discussions with people about your own. Or you can ask other writers for advice.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:57am
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