Igneous321’s Groups
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Stay Out Of The Darkness: An RP
- 15 Members
- 2 Posts
- Private Group
You are driving home. The trip is a 5 hour trip, so you decide to take a shortcut. A black fog covers your car, This is when you crash your car in a ditch and get out unharmed. but you aren't alone. as you look around it seems others are here to.. in this forest. Creatures. mythical beings all around in the f... Read more...
Latest Post: November 13, 2014, 10:08pm
Where's My Perfect Mate???
- 87 Members
- 62 Posts
- Private Group
Lost girls, lost boys, just tryna find who is right for them. You can talk relationships, your life, or any situations going on with you!!! We will help you. You can also share your books too! Plus the pic has nothing to do with the group lol You CAN join...but its still a private group.
Latest Post: April 10, 2018, 4:56pm
- 4 Members
- 2 Posts
- Public Group
Nihon no rekishi wa totemo omoshiroi da ne. Dakara daimyo no jinsei wo benkyou shimasu! Taisetsu na hito wa: Takeda Shingen Uesugi Kenshin Mori Motonari Oda Nobunaga
Latest Post: October 07, 2019, 9:34am
- 23 Members
- 10 Posts
- Public Group
This group is to provide happiness and weirdness to all! also to help those with problems! I (UnicornExpressBro) will wil greet you with "G'mornin faggotbutters!" so enjoy anf fun Anustarts!
Latest Post: August 27, 2014, 1:56pm
ANIME LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 52 Members
- 12 Posts
- Public Group
Hello guys welcome to my group i'll give u a list of animes that you might like to watch but you might want to feel free to watch it.It's interesting animes too me so u know u can put your opinion in it. ENJOY!!!!!!
Latest Post: October 06, 2016, 12:03am
Pokemon Lovers
- 54 Members
- 20 Posts
- Public Group
A gyoup where all pokemon lovers come to talk, enjoy! and spead the love and as allways #beyourself
Latest Post: May 02, 2017, 3:42am
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