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The Last Azvisalokya
Mii Ryouma The Last Azvisalokya

(ON HOLD) First book in Azvisalokya trilogy

  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 25187 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 1251
  • 8

  The ugliest inter-dimensional war is about to start between the demons and the satnees, but the battle field is our Earth. The preparations began milleniums ago, while the key is a human, a weak human girl, but not an ordinary teenager.

I discovered that my father... Read more...

Keywords: Demons, Urban Fantasy, Magic, Moon, Eclipse, Divinity, Saatnees, Incest, Angel, Myth, Reincarnation, Sanskrit, Ancient, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Paranormal romance

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Judy Colella Strachana
  • Fantasy
  • English
  • 26318 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 7765
  • 152

They walk among us unseen, unrecognized. They look like us, speak like us, but are not us. Aliens from another planet, then? Ghosts? Inter-dimensional beings? No. Dragons.

Keywords: Darastrix, shape-shift, dragon-lore

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