Hello. ︀How ︀are ︀you? ︀I ︀need ︀a ︀friend, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀-georgeasztalos
About human rights violations in the Writers Union of Romania
The Writers Union of Romania is a dictatorial and undemocratic organization. During the mandates of the current president, there were excluded ten times more writers than during the whole communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu. A group of 31 obedient writers modified the Statute of the Union, which previously limited the number of mandates for... Show more
It's raining heavily in my laboreour's Germany it is Sunday and foreigners are quietly resting with some beer held in their large & full of scars hands there in our improbable wonders I come to talk to them when a bumblebee lost and drenched also comes on dry ground marching through our feet when one of us turns him on his back he is buzzing he is drying his wings and I say "let him go man" and "es ist nur ein Waser Probleme" ;)
Please post ALL requests to read books in the proper thread line at Serious Writers. Look for the 'important post' at the top of the page called 'Promotions & Advertisements'
Thank you,
Avery Brown, Moderator Serious Writers
So, I read one of your books and saw these comments that were like "worst book ever" and that kind of stuff. I personally thought it was good, and people are just being kind of mean to you and that makes me feel bad as a bystander. So, I actuallg thought your book was good, even if they didn't. By the way, it was the book, "A Piggy Story With a Happy-End".
glad you liked it my young Mormon friend! people have different taste by the way and i like them when they wanna look ”mean” :) just because something looks awful and improbable to happen in your country doesn't mean that imagination is the worst book ever written . this story... Show more
Hi, George
I had a lot of fun on your "infrareal" space.
Thanks Igor. Judging just after our pictures i can tell you had lots of more fun days then i do. I don't envy you. I just like to be friends to people who appreciate fun. Life is a funny pain anyway !
Welcome to the community. We want you to have fun!
BookRix - is a place for you to read, write & network free literature on the internet.
thanks bookrix. you're amazingly awesome! glad to be here !
Yup, roger that Avery Brown, I will do exactly so the rules can sleep at night...:)