gelainciaran’s Favorites
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Silver Rose
- Fantasy
- English
- 1321 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1532
- 44
Silver Rose was just an avrege twelve year old in till she finds she is realated to Tawny Rose.Will she save her fammily by following her true destiny or will she be a lone wolf.
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 6587 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 819
- 5
i don't have that much written right now. so this is sort of a promo. :) i think it's ok. my friends like it, but they're my friends. please read :) let me know what you think :) forever greatful, DaniDestinii
Keywords: love, vampires, apocolyptic, change, awkward, teen, romance, fantacy, fiction
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 8569 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1762
- 117
This universe is full of things humans do not know, different realms filled with the strange and unknown, what those in the realm of humans call fictional and supernatural. This novel follows Emerald's story as she finds her destiny through war, bloodshed, and love.
Keywords: dragons, elements, war, loss, princess, warriors, destiny, fighting, fire, earth, darkness
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 8522 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1371
- 106
"I walked past the large white house I've been purposely walking past for the past 3 days. Every night, a beautiful girl comes out on the white balcony and looks at the moon. The moon shinned on her porcelain skin. She was like a white dove. Her long black hair and emerald... Read more...
Keywords: Romance, Vampire, Blood Lust
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