freakibutlovely’s Friends
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Ich bin 1,53m klein und habe dunkelbraun gefärbte haare. Meine Augen sind innen gelb, in der mitte grün und außen blau aber meißtens sieht man nur das grün. Ich bin ein directioner und halb belieber... ja nur halb :) ICH LIEBE MUSIK ÜBER ALLES weswegen mein hobbys auch gitarre spielen, singen und musik hören... Read more...
- German
Directioner <3
Niall: You're so beautiful. Harry: What? Louis: Who? Zayn: Me? Niall: No, her. Liam: WHO? Niall: The girl who's reading this right now. <3 Liam: "One time we were in a park & Zayn said, "OMG a dead bird!" Harry then looked to the sky and said, "WHERE?!"
- 25 years
- English
- 5 Books
- 52
I like to run. its one of my favorite things to do. it also helps with keeping me in shape for track. I also like to read. a lot. im really random and when its to quiet or awkward i'll just shout some random thing and then I get a lot of weird stares so...yeah. and the favorite literature? whats that supposed to... Read more...
- German
- 6 Books
- 719
I wish I had a girl to cuddel up at night rather than my pillow - Harry Styles <3
- German
- 1 Book
- 19
Beauty isn't about having a pretty face.It's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul. <3
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