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hi My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

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Okay, like I've already said in one of the groups I'm so alive...wahahaha :)

Anyway, again thanks and sorry for all those who were looking for me. I'm fine now. Just needed some time off. Please give me some time to read your new works, too. I feel like I'm a little loaded right :)

But again, love you guys :)

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awe such a cute profile pic.

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thanks sa pag-add. anung mggndang book dito ang nbasa m n? bago lang xe aq dito e. ^_^

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I might be off for another break this week and will be back probably on Monday. My friends I'll read your books when I return :)

Have a great week to all :)

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Finally finished work! yeah, finally I can continue writing my other books :)

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Just reposted 'Exist' and added another chapter:) I made a new cover, too. But lol, the fire looked like ice :)

And yeah, I'll be out until Tuesday so if in case I promised you a read, please wait 'til then :)

Have a great weekend to everyone!

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Hey thx for the comments and critiques i really appreciate it please add star or something no pressure but it would mean alot...hey you should check my other book too: Why me? and be on the look out for the part 2 of that witch! oh and why me is the one all the way at the bottom search for it and its last!

--Briahna W*******

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