Faiz Mohammed Abdullah’s Friends
- English
- 6 Books
- 18
I am very strict when it comes to bullying. If I even see a stranger being bullied I will stick up for them. People say I should be a football player because I am built broad, but it runs in my family. All of us females are built broad. I swear I am more broad then my puny uncles. But my point is if you like... Read more...
- German
- 176
*Meine Kommunikation gegen ihre Brüste?!*
*Ich bin Perfekt, weil ich Fehler habe*
*Laut Miracolipacking bin ich 4-5 Personen*
*Ich esse gerne Kekse -und wer bist du?*
*Probleme mit Mathe? Ruf an:0800-[(10x)*(13i)²]-[sin(xy):2.362x]*
*Bekomm' ich deine addy? Ja klar traeum_weiter@korb.de*
*Und ich dacht'...
- German
- 8 Books
- 608
Bin meistens Freundlich. Kann aber auch ziemlich gemein sein, wenn man mich ärgert. Bin auch etwas schüchtern, wenn ich auf neue Leute treffe. Ich liebe es Geschichten zu schreiben und der Fantasie ihren freien lauf zu lassen.
- English
- 3
is it me is it my heart, i feel warm so warm inside as if i was melting inside with so much Pleasure i want more but i can't have it i need more but some how i don't need it i want to be love onece more i want your trust and heart i love u........................ but do u love me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- English
- 1 Book
- 894
I am software professional, I am interested also in writing poems and stories.I am new to writing, your comments would surely help me to be a better writer.