emmaksomers60146’s Favorites
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Part One
- Fiction
- English
- 1237 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 992
- 71
Drucilla is in search of her sister that has been kidnapped, all because of a gift. A gift that she can not return. Will she save her sister? What will she do to get her back?
Keywords: Gift, Power, Romance, Revenge, Magic
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Goddess of the sea
- Fantasy
- English
- 4781 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1996
- 70
Amphitrite, goddess of the see,crush of Poseidon. She is new at Myth Academy, a mortal. Will she fit in or will be outcast as a goddess of lame?
Keywords: greek, myth, academy, school, poseidon, crush, goddess
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 4706 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 11291
- 615
Every continent has adapted to the 21st century except Europe whose has held onto her old values and ways, including the tradition of the Masked Love.
The time has come for the requiring of one hundred girls from all over the world for the annual Masked Love, where Prince... Read more...
Keywords: romance, europe, mask, love, ball
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