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Books (3)
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When you find an old account and can't believe how crazy you were when you were younger. "Oh internet, I do believe tiny me was never meant to meet you at that point in their small lives. " *deletes almost everything*

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I will keep both of my accounts up now since I've already started putting up cooks on the other one :)

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Okay I friended you :)


I gtg for now but I will be back tommorrow I think XD

Deleted User

Okey thank u and till later then :)

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I got my account back! :D Cheers and Praises to the password list I found in an old drawer of an antique dresser! :)

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I have a new account since this one got hacked and the password changed as well as since it had double accounts now I can't get to this one with the books on it :( I have already sent off a few customer support emails hoping that will help :3

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Denmark is an amazing country, as well as Poland and Germany. I have yet to visit the rest of Europe and the world around it, but I am holding strong to the belief that the rest of the world will be just as amazing with just as amazing people.
Thank You to the many people who helped me on bookrix to find the courage to travel and accomplish many things.

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