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Thanks for the heart!!!
What did you think??
I know it's not long, but did you have a favourite part??? IT would mean a lot if you could leave me a comment!!!

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oh see your crazy lol i just type it and edit.sometimes if im not home i use an old blackberry and write on that then save to a sd card and transfer it to my laptop to edit later


Nah, I feel if I write it out first, it's more like a first draft and then I can edit it and fix it up while I'm typing it.
But maybe that's just me


i cant write like that.my hand ends up hurting too much lol

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Thank you so much for the heart on my book 'new life' ^^ xxxx

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Thanks for the heart on my book 'No place like hell' ^^

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Hi just read saving faith and its really good cant wait for more thanks again for th book

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Aw, thank you. X) I'm glad you like it! Please let me know when you publish your book. I would love to read it! :D

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