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Hey just wanted to stop by and say I am updating there's only you tonight after I'm done work today :) just been super busy :( sorry for the wait.

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Thanks for the stars and comment again! :D
Aww I really hope you'll enjoy my books coming out!
Your comment made me really happy!
-Annie :3

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OMFG!! Thanks soo much for the star and comment on my book :}
There's another cdhapter coming out soon... Possibly tomarrow :D

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Oh they're both the same book, the x-rated has/and is gonna have the adult scenes, while the regular one isn't gonna have them. >^=^>

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Thanks fort he star on I Want My Baby Back.

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Thank you for re giving the star. Well as for a sequel i'm not sure yet, but lately i've had thoughts about it and have a metal plot stored somewhere in my head, but i will finish the book, you can count on that. As for your questions i'd like to hear them


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Thanks for your star and comment on My Vampire Love. Look forward to chapter 6 later on today.

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