dolmetscherin’s Friends
- 25 years
- 13 Books
- 489
i love to read,write, and do anything athletic.i am very sensative and takes stuff people say to heart.i am niave and trust and love too easily.
- English
- 5 Books
- 1129
* Hi I'm Lisa * I LOVE COFFEE & FOOD; I LOVE PUPPIES, HORSES, WOLVES, UNICORNS, NINJAS, AND BATMAN * I'm quiet, fun, outgoing, and really random at times! I love to READ and WRITE!! I tend to zone out into la la land a lot and I'm so accident prone it's crazy and also I like making new friends and I get along... Read more...
- English
- 1 Book
- 94
I'm a simple sixteen year old girl who doesn't get to go out much due to my location therefore i spend all my time in my fantasies. Or my books. I'm open minded and as long as you don't try to force your ideas on me we won't have a problem. Believe what you want to and be who you are just let me do the same. :)
- English
- 1 Book
- 7
I like reading and writing. Skinny jeans and tank tops are my favorite types of clothes. Also, boots. I'm the queen of horror movies. I'm only myself around my close friends in real life. But, online, I'm myself, too. I really like meeting new people, even if I'm quiet. When I write, I think it all sucks. I... Read more...
- English
- 8 Books
- 192
i love to take loads of pictures my friends always gets annoyed with me lol i also when i have a story in my head i have to write it down but sometimes it dont make sense i cant spell that good so if i missed out a word in my story i cant help lol