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So many memories

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♛ samzy ♛


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♛ samzy ♛

It's me 'Twinster'!
Miss you a bunch though!
Yea i wrote books and i thought i would never write because i can't but it changed somehow?
Anyways so i had to come back and my school bestie made me too so yea....
Anyways if you come online anytime then you'll see this post/message and... Show more

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vous êtes l'un de ceux unperfect personne que je ai jamais connu!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What do you mean?

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well i already pm u the reason!

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A friend is a person who hates seeing you hurt
A friend is some1 who doesn't let go
No matter what a friend is true
A friend is a person who always loves u

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Dats good. I'm a little sad today


Why? you're always so happy happy happy

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My best friend likes this girl who is lying to him and I feel bad. He doesn't want me to tell him nothing bad about the girl... But she is lying.

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Hey Ally!

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Hiiii hiiii I missed you dolphin


I missed you too my dolphin buddy

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I missed you more

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If im happy or sad
Upset or mad
You'r one of the greatest friend i hav ever had:)))


Right back at you my twinster!

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