diva060’s Favorites
- Romance
- English
- 13473 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2799
- 170
(Working on it, be up soon) Elizabeth (Izzie) Was Living A Normal Life; Till She Became Popular. Get The Picture? The Only Real Problem Was Her And Her Best friend Were Separating. Until Loosing Her Boyfriend made her Realize She Let It All Get To Her Head, being Popular... Read more...
Keywords: BestFriend, Boyfriend, Love triangle, Friendship, Realtionship, School, Emo, Love, Decision.
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 13738 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 1968
- 71
(NEW COVER - Made it myself. Hope you like.) *Romance, Fantasy, Magic, Vampireish Kinda Book :P* Just when Rain, thought life was getting tougher with bullies, school, family life. Love at first sight come right around the corner. However, how long will it take her to... Read more...
Keywords: Rain, Bullies, Love, Fantasy, Vampires, School life, Life, English, New, School, Guy, Girl, Boy, Bully, Sweet, Cute, Birthday, Magic, Hate, Rosebud [more]
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Does the heart always win over the mind?
- Romance
- English
- 20025 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 5907
- 205
When Elizabeth meets Josh for the first time she has no idea just how much her life is going to change. She has no idea what exactly it means to be in love with him. She doesn't even know what he is let alone who he is. Can their love for each other make things work or... Read more...
Keywords: Love, Vampires, Romance
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A world of war a dream of wonder
- Fantasy
- English
- 2055 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 763
- 26
Lost in more ways than one, Kianiwe a young female wolf pup with a big heart sets out on a journey of a life time. but weather it be love, betrail, regret, or pain of her past, beyond belief, she must continue no turning back. In her eyes her life...... is no object.
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- Fantasy
- German
- 4290 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 429
- 8
Die 14 Jährige Nozomi wohnt mit Daisuke(18)und Riku(16) zusammen in einer WG in kyoto. Als Daisuke und Riku sich wieder einmal stritten, lief Nozomi weg und blieb für eine nacht bei ihrer besten freundin Reika. Danach ging alles drunter und drüber.
Keywords: Vampire, Dämonen, Schizophrenie, Liebe, Verzweiflung, Blut, Hoffnung
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Sometimes love bites..........
- Romance
- English
- 3470 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1379
- 66
Nobody knows the new girls name not even herself but when ever she meets Jasper will her world become upside down before she's even been kissed by the person she's destined she's never met.Will she the many attack by the were wolves. Will she ever believe she a... Read more...
Keywords: Vampire, Love, Princess, School
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In Progress
- Fantasy
- English
- 475 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 851
- 14
Jessica matthews is in for one wild ride
Keywords: Fantasy, High school Boarding, Adventure
For Free
- Fantasy
- English
- 8522 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1371
- 106
"I walked past the large white house I've been purposely walking past for the past 3 days. Every night, a beautiful girl comes out on the white balcony and looks at the moon. The moon shinned on her porcelain skin. She was like a white dove. Her long black hair and emerald... Read more...
Keywords: Romance, Vampire, Blood Lust
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there coming for you
- Fantasy
- English
- 10289 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1065
- 60
Two new students join this School. One from the United states and another from Tokyo. They become friends and they both have secrets. These two girls become friend with so many people and change all of their life's. Will they defeat Monster Exile?
Keywords: Monster, vampire, school, action, comedy
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 5024 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1617
- 72
Two vampire who have been together a long time. Violet(main charater female) finds that she is in love with Silver(Main charater male) but Silver has been in love with her since they first met, find how these two vampires find there way out of tough spots and hardships...
Keywords: Vampires, love, loves, vampire, Silver, Violet, Sinthia, Stella
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