diamantenengel’s Friends
Marie Dieudonné
- 112 years
- German
- 17 Books
- 116
Ich schreibe, seit ich schreiben kann und das Zeichnen aufgrund mangelnden Talents meiner Ansicht nach aufgegeben habe. Auch wenn ich oft zu hören bekomme, dass diese Art von Geschichten nicht zu einer jungen Frau passen - ich kann nicht anders. Jede alltägliche Situation wird in meinem Kopf zu einer Geschichte... Read more...
- German
- 7 Books
- 166
Ich bin nett und hilfsbereit.. Nen wenig schusselig aber auch ne gute Freundin und lustig, kann gut zuhören und behalte Geheimnisse für mich
- English
- 8 Books
- 338
My name is Sammantha Lewis. I am a stuggling college student trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing with my life. I am polish born, but moved to the US at 6 months old. I have a Russian father, a Polish mother, two sisters, and two grands parents who are the center of my universe. I have three finches and... Read more...
- English
I'm a 15 yr. old twin sister who loves to express my feelings with music,storties, and drawing. The only time I write romance storties most of the time.
- German
- 11 Books
- 346
Wer kämpft, kann verlieren. Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren. - Berthold Brecht
Alyza A. (BloodyLai)
- English
- 2 Books
- 15
I am a digital artist in deviantart. :) I draw a lot and also I make drawings as a hobby and make stories too. I am a nurse in real life but literature, music and art are the things that really interest me. I am also a hardcore gamer. I played all types of handheld consoles from psp, ps vita, and 3ds. :) So I... Read more...
Scavenge Lethe
- English
- 31 Books
- 124
I'm Bisexual, I love reading and I love most things that have:Vampires,werewolves,fairies,dragons but don't ever try to create your own twilight Because if you do I ain't reading..Meeting new people(fucked up,weird,insane,and crazy in all their glory) is always fun.I'm weird and yes i know this so if you can't... Read more...