debbie23’s Favorites
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- Fairy Tale
- English
- 2895 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 987
- 18
Keywords: Crazy, Romatic, True, Love, Loving
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Behind every smile, there's a pain hidden inside
- Juvenile Fiction
- English
- 4781 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 4563
- 110
"I saw a girl today. She's amazing and almost-perfect. How I regret not being able to tell her that."
Mark is nothing but a nerd. No one really knew but he likes being alone because he could observe people. There was one girl though that caught his eye. The girl with the... Read more...
Keywords: girl, love, heartbreaks, young, parents
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Can Aiyana marry the enemy to stop a war?
- Fantasy
- English
- 2774 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1945
- 103
A war has plagued Aiyana since she was born, and no one knows how it even started. Now she wants it stopped, and there is only on true possible way to do this without more bloodshed. Can Aiyana marry the terrifying, incredibly handsome Prince Kaige to stop the war?
Keywords: vampires, werewolves, magic, night, war, blood, death, hatred, sadness, love, romance
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- Fiction
- English
- 3032 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1455
- 18
Angel Child is a story of a couple who faces the trials of life with a little help from a special child
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A Twilight Fan-fiction (Imprint Story)
- Fiction
- English
- 4095 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2365
- 149
Lisa Brandon is not whom you expect her to be. She has frightening past that amazes you all. She goes to Forks High, only to cross lines with the Cullens. Later, she finds out that she is related to the Cullens in a way! And not only that, the Cullens decide to make her... Read more...
Keywords: Lisa, Seth, vampires, wolves, imprint
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First book to the Obsession trilogy
- Thriller
- English
- 36793 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 31727
- 745
***Notice: This book is currently being rewritten and is up on Wattpad if you would like a better and updated version of this story. I am still under AlicynNight. And please guys no spoliers in the comments. Thank you! A.Night***
When a girl shows him the only love he's... Read more...
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