darkevixen16’s Favorites
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Can Aiyana marry the enemy to stop a war?
- Fantasy
- English
- 2774 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1945
- 103
A war has plagued Aiyana since she was born, and no one knows how it even started. Now she wants it stopped, and there is only on true possible way to do this without more bloodshed. Can Aiyana marry the terrifying, incredibly handsome Prince Kaige to stop the war?
Keywords: vampires, werewolves, magic, night, war, blood, death, hatred, sadness, love, romance
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- Romance
- English
- 9271 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2904
- 110
Sixteen year old Kate Reynolds has a problem: her life completely sucks. Her mother has recently lost her job and has now resorted to bus driving. Her best friend is a midget and the hottest junior in school lives right next door (Kate hates him). And to top it all off,... Read more...
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Vampiric Saga
- Fiction
- English
- 59569 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 2831
- 76
Renee, a teenage vampiress, was tossed aside. Forbidden, by her blood mother, to stray from the ancient laws. She feared death even though for her life was already over. For a year, Renee, was at her trainers leash until one day she discovered the peace they had been... Read more...
Keywords: Love, Loss, Struggle, Death, Blood, Vampire
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