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Hellooooo! How are you? I hope you're doing well!(:

Once again, I've updated "Less than Perfect"! If you'd like to check it out, feel free. I really appreciate your reads and comments...so THANK YOU! VERY much. Enjoy! :D


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Thanks for the heart on my book Awkward

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thanks for the heart! :) I'll be sure to let you know when i update Second Chances

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Hi there!(:
I just thought I'd drop by and let you know that I've updated "Less than Perfect". Thank you bunches for reading & commenting! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


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Hey there! :)
Thanks for the heart on my story! I really appreciate it! :D


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Thanks for the heart on my book. Glad you enjoyed it. If you have time, check out my other books. I am currently writing a series The Venus Guardians. The first book is complete Loves unexpected journey. I update Desert rose frequently. I also wrote a short story, The Elevator Ride and Loved Until Death. Thanks again. L.L.

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Thank you sooooo much for the heart! I didn't think people would read the story because it's kind of long, so I sure appreciate that you did - and saved it to your favorites, too! Wow! 'D

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