Shkumbin Gashi
Shkumbin Gashi
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Books (1)
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hi nice to meet you

Shkumbin Gashi

Pleasure is mine

Check the book i published if you are interested ,
I think you will like it

Deleted User

yep suree

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Shkumbin Gashi

Hello guys

I decided to publish the book for free
Chasing Light in Darkness-Origin of the White Shadow

Below you have something to tell you about the book

Main characters:

Bruce Loan: Detective (main figure of the story)
Steven: colleague
Bob: His Neighbor
Gloria: Therapist
The killer: Angel killer
Mrs. Norris: Secretary
Dr. Hawkins: Forensics expert

Readers will be presented with a novel that has drama ,mystery and Crime in its... Show more

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Shkumbin Gashi

How to control your dreams?

Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep period.

Dreams occur during REM stage of sleep which involves high activity of brain.There are different types of them which can be nightmares or even more positive dreams for instance someone seeing self traveling on Paris or New York.

There is a general opinion that they just happen and we cant control... Show more

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Man you're something!

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Shkumbin Gashi


My book that will be out in few weeks will be called:

Chasing light in Darkness
hunting a serial killer

I am exited i hope you will like it

8 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

welcome dude...just keep goin n publish it soon..we all love to read it...

Shkumbin Gashi

Im planning of finish and publish it on 1-2 august .


oh great...!

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Shkumbin Gashi

Working in our dreams is big step but believing on them is the key to success


1 Comment
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so true, this one

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Shkumbin Gashi

Hello guys

Pleasure to meet you all .


Welcome to our community ;)
I hope you like it her and when you need some help or something else... maybe we can help you

Shkumbin Gashi

Thank you , you are very polite, we ll be on touch and share a lot of comments on future i guess


We´ll see where this is leading

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Shkumbin Gashi

Glad to be part of your community , i would love to know more people here,
Expect a surprise from me in next two months, i will add a book that I'm working on it.
It content will make you think and resonate about your unconscious mind and spirit shadows.


I think we are all curious to your book and I´ll hope that you write when it comes online :)

Shkumbin Gashi

I will notice you all when is online, thank you again


It would give me great pleasure and you´re welcome

I hope my english is not to bad and you understand me :D

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Sorry for the delay, Name's Milky and I'm here to say..... HAPPY NEW YEAR..... AND WISH YOU THE BEST :D

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Jeden Sonntag gibt es neue Tipps & Tricks für Autoren und Schreiblustige! ツ

Wenn du magst, kannst du ja mal vorbei schauen. Es ist bestimmt auch bald schon was für dich dabei! :D

Die Seite ist noch im Anfangsstadium, aber die nächsten drei Tipps sind schon für die nächsten Wochen angesetzt und fertig! :D

Blog Ich behaupte einfach mal ganz dreist, dass dies der schwierigste Part am Projekt ›Roman schreiben‹ ist. Zumindest ist dies bei mir der Fall. Die Idee ist da, die Charaktere existieren, teilweise...
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