Evan A13’s Favorites

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Stalker Diaries
R.J McIntosh Stalker Diaries
  • Romance
  • English
  • 4748 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 661
  • 14

"It's a lie. Something like this wasn't supposed to happen!"

Charles Smith, a 16 year old boy finds himself in Reveres High School after a long summer break. Back in school he suffers from major bullying that no one seems to notice not even his own teachers. His mother... Read more...

Keywords: Homosexual, Stalker, Horror, Murder, Romance, Bullying, Psychology, Betrayal

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Eva L.F.L. Kidnapped
  • Romance
  • English
  • 2364 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 1107
  • 32

Melonie Olly and her three other friends, Alex Penter, Jamie Riley, and Kelly O'Mackl love to play games like Truth or Dare and Never Have I ever. They love shopping and cheesy cliche romantic movies. They go out one day for a shopping spree and play games as they do... Read more...

Keywords: vampires, kidnapped, sercrets, love, humans, fairies, scared

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Shards of Hope
Pranav Karri Shards of Hope
  • Adventure
  • English
  • 636 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 521
  • 1

The young boy but with so much potential has gone on a quest to find those who once protected him. He needs to find the SHARDS OF HOPE. He will need to find the very friends that can help him along the journey.

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The World Is Ugly
Skye Hudman The World Is Ugly

Will This End Before I Die

  • Romance
  • English
  • 817 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 590
  • 11

Madison and Anna have been best friends for ever and now the workd is being attacked by creatures from a different world. They end up being two out of thirty survivers. Will they live and suffer or die loving each other.

Keywords: The World Is Ugly, Gerard, Frank, Lyn-z, Anna, Madison

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