Dear Sissy,
I've loved and missed you more than words. Guess what? I just reached my goal of 500!!!! OMG! I'm like, dying of happiness(If that's possible)
Anyways, the whole topic of a boyfriend for me has now gotten verrrrry confusing, but I'm glad to hear that yours is behaving himself, that way I won't have to beat him up. LOL ;) Miss you tons and my picture is gorg? I believe it's your picture that's holding the beauty here :)
Well, Me and My BF aren't together anymore... :( It was too much fighting and not enough love, but anyways, life's been good :) Thanks, the life of a published author has definitely been busy :) I missed you Sissy! I thought you were gone! Can't wait to read your updates :-)
P.S. How are you and your BF? I < xxx3 The Profile Pic
Edited about 8 years ago? O.O how old is this site?