TwinkyEater’s Favorites
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A year after my father's death and it's already changing
- Fantasy
- English
- 3604 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1011
- 38
Topaz's life is getting real confusing. Her mothers dating another vampire. He has a daughter and a son. They go to Topaz's school and now her life in school and home as she knows it changes for better or for worse.
This is what I got so far tell me if you like it please.
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Falling Together
- Poetry
- English
- 1836 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 974
- 37
Poetry: What comes from the heart when the memories, emotions, and experiences create words that can no longer be kept dormant. This is my original poetry, hope you enjoy it and comment.
Keywords: Love, Trust, Faith, Betrayal, hate, fantasy, conceit, lies, truths
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- Drama
- English
- 6801 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 2508
- 12
My project is simple, I must find my happiness in myself. I can do that, but only if I realize my problems. I am going to write about it all and you can listen if you would like. Maybe you can start a happiness project of your own? Maybe you will learn about yourself and... Read more...
Keywords: Happiness, Project, drama, fiction, life, love, sadness, We, define, our, own, lives, good, bad, snow, white, didn't, listen, anger, finding, out, who, we, are [more]
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Myra's Story
- Drama
- English
- 21927 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 480
- 8
You're one to Remember, a Summary:
Myra's life is full of pain and misery, her past causing her current life to be a wreck. Extraordinarily, Myra meets the 'love' of her life. Hoping that he can fix the hole in her heart, Myra basically throws herself at his exposure.... Read more...
Keywords: Myra, Story, You're One to Remember, Chanda, Dobra, Crazy, Awkward, Unicorns
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A 'Sou Eater' edition
- Thriller
- English
- 4483 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 791
- 10
Casey, a new student at The Death Weapon Meister Academy, has just enrolled. Having no idea what is going on or where she is, Casey begins a life that she never dreamed possible. Will she survive, or will she fall, just as each of her family members before her?
Keywords: Casey, Devil, Soul Eater, Soul, Eater, Book, Story, Death, Lord Death, Meister, Weapon, Academy
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- Romance
- English
- 7107 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 4252
- 39
This is a story about a girl who gets taken captive after a war between two countries. Greyval is a large country that seems to be seeking domination of the entire population. Everyone in the counties opposed to them is either killed or sold into slavery. One young slave... Read more...
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Das Internat
- Fantasy
- German
- 5770 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 1875
- 71
Ich bin anders. Ich hab Fähigkeiten von denen die anderen nur Träumen können. Meine Eltern schickten mich deswegen auf das Internat von meinen Bruder Mike. Und dann passierte es wovor ich immer Angst hatte ....
Ich entschuldige mich für meine ganzen...
Keywords: Fähigkeiten, Internat, Liebe, Eifersucht, Hass und Freundschaft
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