★★DisneyPrincess★★’s Favorites
- Romance
- English
- 3473 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 635
- 9
Billie was a reagular girl.....ok, that's a lie she's only a normal girl to the untrained eye. No one knew her, she had just moved so she had no friends, she was addopted so she had no idea if she had any siblings. She had moved many times before but she didn't know that... Read more...
Keywords: bored, lol, 5sos, 5 Seconds Of Summer, bae, fun, whatever, werewolf, wearwolf, bestfriends, evil, betrayal
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- Family & Relationships
- English
- 6474 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 560
- 8
A girl with big dreams and a big personality. Josie. Blinded by boys at school, Josie doesn't know what boy to choose. Better yet, if he likes her back!
Read on to find out!
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Ein unerwartetes Erwachen
- Fantasy
- German
- 4693 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 615
- 6
Ich rannte. Ich rannte nicht zum Spaß, Nein. Ich rannte um mein Leben und das, nun es kam mir vor, wie schon seit Tagen. Der Weg nahm leider auch kein Ende... Warum ich rannte?
Nun...ich wurde...Verfolgt!?
Warum wurde ich Verfolgt? Tjaaaa, dass wüsste ich auch nur... Read more...
Keywords: Fantasy, Vampir, Halbvampir, Gestaltwandler, Rudel, Liebe, Schmerz, Verrat
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- Fiction
- English
- 25990 Words
- Ages 6 and up
- 801
- 7
What if when the wands of Harry James Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle connected, when Priori Incantatem took place, instead of smoky forms of Wormtail’s hand, Cedric Diggory, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins and Harry’s parents, they actually came out of the tip of Voldemort’s... Read more...
Keywords: fanfiction, Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Bertha Jorkins, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Potter, Cho Chang
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Wird die Liebe siegen?
- Erotic
- German
- 25950 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 5399
- 94
Mein erster Versuch ein Buch zu schreiben.
Ich werde Dich bekommen!!! Ein ganz kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Buch.
" Mrs. Grain dürfte ich Sie um den nächsten Tanz bitten?" Ich glaube mein Schwein pfeifft. Warum will er mit mir tanzen und dann auch noch zu einem langsamen... Read more...
Keywords: Chef, Liebe, Erotik, Verführung
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Book 2--Polit
- Fantasy
- English
- 28289 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 561
- 4
Alana, Sant, Faerborn, and Alana's parents leave the island of Folly. Their destination...Polit. Their mission...rescue Alana's two sisters locked in the hands of Darra's vicious police, and then, destroy Polit once and for all.
The leader of Polit has other plans.
Keywords: sci-fi Fantasy Dystopian
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- Romance
- German
- 69664 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 1937
- 53
Leben ist kämpfen. In einer Welt, wo Albträume wie Vampiere war sind lebt ein Mädchen. Sie arbeitet viel um ihre Familie zu ernähren. Doch eines Tages bekommt sie ein angebot bei dem sie nicht nein sagen kann. Dass dies ihr leben verändert, ahnte sie noch nicht. Immerhin... Read more...
Keywords: Vampir, Liebe, Freundschaft, Kampf
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- Fantasy
- English
- 1912 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 444
- 4
My sister and I are a little out of the ordinary. We have different abilities, but at the end of the day there's only one name for us. Sorcerer, or in modern day they would probably call us witches. There's many things we still don't quite understand about who we are but... Read more...
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- Romance
- English
- 15919 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 695
- 1
On her wedding day a woman is in her room already dressed and while she waits on the rest of the wedding party to finish she notices someone has put photos in her room and she reminisces on the past.
Keywords: Love, Marriage, Wedding, Bride, Groom, Memories, Reminisce, Past, Present, Future
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The Realm
- Fantasy
- English
- 80552 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 5736
- 67
Niki is on summer vacation and that means another long 2 months in the Lake House with her parents. Never being aloud to bring anyone with her she is enraged to find out that her mother has invited her friend from the past and her Son, Travis. Her mother and long last... Read more...
Keywords: romance, werewolve, love, fantasy, revenge, murder
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