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Books (5)
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I just published When Life Gives You Fins! I wrote this a year and a half ago. I put it on here because I love reading my old work. Hopefully you guys enjoy it too!

1 Comment

I enjoyed and loves the book. Thank you.

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I just updated my book Revolutionary. I added a little bit more. I'm working hard to get it done! I think i'm falling in love with writing this book:)

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I just published the second book in the Full Moon Trilogy! It's a little different than the first one, but still good!

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I just published my first book on her it's called Full Moon. Title is apt to change, i'll let you guys know if it does. Thanks!

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Hello everyone! I am a new author:) I love to read and write. Hopefully someone out there appreciates what I've written! If you like my books just let me know.

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