bushra.belarbi’s Groups
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real life writers
- 7 Members
- 2 Posts
- Public Group
for all who write real experience
Latest Post: December 11, 2014, 12:53pm
life, love, loss...
- 71 Members
- 21 Posts
- Public Group
This group is for all of you who have lived, loved or lost , for all of you who have problems, or even if you are one of the few normal people in the world (what ever normal is...) It's for anybody who understands the L's of being human, or even if you don't It's for all of us who need to stick together...
Latest Post: February 02, 2015, 1:14pm
german books
- 6 Members
- 2 Posts
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a group for german writing authors
Latest Post: February 18, 2014, 2:23pm
Books Made Into Movies
- 121 Members
- 40 Posts
- Public Group
Dedicated to listing, reviewing and talking about books that were later turned into movies, and the process involved.
Spawned by the recent release of Eat Pray Love.
With a 2006 publication date, Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling book, Eat Pray Love, became a blockbuster movie less than 5 years after the book was released.
Latest Post: March 09, 2012, 10:49pm
Love Novels
- 722 Members
- 240 Posts
- Public Group
All lovers of writing or reading romance are welcome here!
Latest Post: May 20, 2022, 4:22am
BookRix FREE Self Publishing Service
- 172 Members
- 72 Posts
- Public Group
BookRix is a platform where you can sell your work as an eBook and distribute it around the world. This is a group where you can feel free to ask questions and get support with our service. Don't be shy. Feel free to ask us anything.
Latest Post: January 30, 2019, 5:56am
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