Alexis Renee’s Friends
Duron Crejaro
- English
- 5 Books
- 147
An Aspiring writer. I've been hooked on Fantasy for decades, and now its time to add my own contributions to a wonderful genre.
- English
I'm Jordan. I love football (soccer) and l play video games on my xbox one, nintendo switch and 3ds. I watch horror movies. I listen to pop and dance music. Feel free to chat to me whenever I'm online. I won't ever judge you. We can be friends.
- English
- 18 Books
- 104
Life is tough. It's a whole lot tougher if you're stupid! ~ John Wayne
- 22 years
- English
- 9
I like pretty much everything. I play lots of video games, listen to music, read, write in my daily(and personal) expression book, use computers a lot, and play around with my little brother. My favorite WebSites: 1. The Impossible Quiz 2.... Read more...
- English
- 17 Books
- 73
I Am
I am the person you bullied at school, I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool, I am the person you alienated, I am the person you ridiculed and hated.
I am the person who sat on her own, I am the person who walked home alone, I am the person you scared every day, I am the person who had... Read more...