brookiesmilez’ Friends
Terrex Corbin
- 39 years
- English
- 9 Books
- 35
Hi my name is Terrex Johnathan Corbin my friend call me T-Rex like the dinosaur now more about me well as you can see i have a huge imangination which is why is fitting that coming soon i will start a story called My imagination earth it will be all about my big wonderful imagination and it will be viewed from... Read more...
- English
- 2 Books
- 105
Hey, about me?I'm weird & wacky, stupid and fun. know how 2 make peple laugh. & dat's about it really! yeah dat sums it up. 1 more ting want more Mates so dont be afraid 2 send me a message. (\__/)(='.'=)(")_(") just did this coz a mate told me to:*copy this to your web pages* A white man said,"Colored people... Read more...
- English
- 7 Books
- 1024
Vintage, hopeless romantic who wastes most of her time daydreaming scenes for her books. Give me a Lana Del Rey CD, cold pizza, comfy sweats, and a good book and I am the happiest midget in the world :D
- English
- 1 Book
- 2
Okay, where should I start, I'm pretty boring so yea, I'm known as being extremely weird, and funny so I'm awesome at making people laugh! I can't live without my phone!? no phone, no social life&entertainment. If you haven't got a phone, your life must suck dude! :I
P.S Give me your opinion on my books,...
- English
- 2 Books
- 59
I'm a movie addict. I like annoying people with my awesome powers. I wear glasses, and I'm a nerd. My pee is yellow, and I'm a vampire who is out to suck your blood. Lol. Bye.Ohhh I'M AWESOME!!!
WillLoveYouEndlessly (C. Joyce)
Clujel Joyce
- English
- 17 Books
- 2729
"Before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for." -The Cab