brittneyjo’s Favorites
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a short story of cancer
- Biography & Autobiography
- English
- 20407 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 3624
- 44
I am the type of person who thought "It will never happen to me". But it did. I got cancer. This is my story.
Keywords: cancer, chemo therapy, radiation, hickman, hope
For Free
- Short Story
- English
- 3361 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 576
- 6
I am what I am, a product of free will, bad choices and factors beyond my control. I am neurotic, compulsive and practically boarderline insane. I am an insomniac, a whore, and an annorexic. I am me, a compilation of selfishness and denial. I am a pesimist, a cynical f***,... Read more...
Keywords: Life
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