bookzilla’s Favorites
1. Der Untergang ist nah.
- Science Fiction
- German
- 16187 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 1772
- 66
☛ {Letztes Update: Freitag, 14.11.2014} Die nahe Zukunft - dem Abgrund geweiht. Die Erde - Von wandelnden Toten besiedelt. Eine Zivilisation - Nicht existent. "Ich komme aus der Zukunft. Sie ist zerstört … Und hinter dir, ist der Grund dafür.“ Pearl Lyce ist eigentlich... Read more...
Keywords: Klarträume, Traum-Zeitreisen, Vergangenheit, Zukunft, Gegenwart, Körper, Geist, Seele, Resident Evil, Inception, Zeitreisen, Time Travel, Dystopie, Zombies, Zombie
For Free
- Romance
- English
- 41651 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 57885
- 1301
[FORMERLY KNOWN AS SHATTERED] Arianna Mitchell has always been the pack's most hated werewolf. Everyone picked on her, everyone hated her. Ever since her mother's accident, her father abused her constantly. Arianna's life gets more twisted when she meets her gorgeous... Read more...
Keywords: love, mates, abuse, werewolf, shy, romance
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- History
- English
- 1161 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 1264
- 20
Indelible: 1. (of ink or pen) Making marks that cannot be removed. 2. Not able to be forgotten or removed.
Not exactly a 'natural' disaster but more of a 'national' disaster.
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- Romance
- English
- 3963 Words
- Ages 14 and up
- 760
- 27
Torian Spencer is a pianist, a sister, and a zombie-lover. Literally. When she walks the fence, attending a school that openly admits 'Others', she is faced with a few decisions that might just change her life.
Nick was bright. Or used to be. As in before he died. He had... Read more...
Keywords: zombies, vampires, werewolves, teenage, romance, piano
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- Thriller
- English
- 154437 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 4548
- 77
What doesn't kill you...
“I will do whatever it takes to keep us together. Nothing can keep us apart. You’re mine now.” She’d love him just as he loved her. She had to. She didn’t have a choice. In love and happily living the life she always dreamed of, Venna... Read more...
Keywords: stalker, kidnapped, romance, kidnapping, thriller, obsession, love, secret, murder, escape, survival
Bittersweet poems and stories
- Family & Relationships
- English
- 6891 Words
- Ages 10 and up
- 753
- 20
Life isn't sweet, but it doesn't have to be completely bitter. It is what we make of it and these poems and stories try to portray just that.That is why I have titled this book Dulces de Coco or Coconut Candies. This is a combination of the stories and poems that I have... Read more...
Keywords: family, culture, candy, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, death, life
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Guerilla's death
- Short Story
- English
- 961 Words
- Ages 0 and up
- 680
- 4
Will the revolution live on? Do any of us know what motivates the heroes and revolutionaries to lay down their lives. I believe it to be hope, hope and love.
Keywords: Che, guevara, freedom, liberty, revolutio, communism, communist
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- Nature
- English
- 94 Words
- Ages 6 and up
- 672
- 8
a nice short story to help wishes come true for those whom wish hard enough for what they want, or need. About a young boy who wishes upon a dandelion. :)
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The Shadows Return
- Fantasy
- English
- 1125 Words
- Ages 12 and up
- 576
- 5
Women have always been looked down upon, treated like slaves, often underestimated. But for Celeste Everblade, it's just the beginning. It turns out her mother was the Lost Warrior, a brave soldier in almost all the 35th century fairy tales. She left Celeste with one... Read more...
Keywords: spy, 35th century, dominance, hate, revenge
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The Ascension
- Romance
- English
- 19927 Words
- Ages 16 and up
- 4592
- 175
Kayden Shyam-Raj is a pure breed Valarian and Chief of the First Guard at the Coven of Alaska. He and his men were all set to meet up with a paying client in Kansas City. But what Kayden and his men failed to prepare for was the set up they got instead.
Mira Croisseux...
Keywords: Valarian, Blood, Vampires, Gods, Hades, Mage, Magic, Sex, Dark, Romance, Paranormal, Supernatural
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