booknerd232’s Groups
SasuNaru 4 Ever
- 89 Members
- 10 Posts
- Public Group
Diese Gruppe ist für SasukexNaruto Fans ich freu mich über jedes neues mithlied hier werden wir so sachen über die beiden besprechen und auch vlt ein paar kurzgeschichten lovestorys oder RPG's machen^^
Latest Post: May 05, 2017, 4:24pm
young writers
- 79 Members
- 21 Posts
- Public Group
"writers under 18 years old"
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 8:57am
- 69 Members
- 21 Posts
- Public Group
For those who believe what others don't. Those who have tried spells and potions and those who want to try. This is for those are for the white or black magic users those that believe they can levitate or disappear at will this is for those people.
Latest Post: April 24, 2013, 7:37am
Stories come from everywhere...
- 77 Members
- 32 Posts
- Public Group
That's right, a story is not limited to books. Good stories can come out of movies, never ending stories, RPs, and even Video Games! If you agree, join up and let's chat and perhaps even elaborate on our favorites.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 9:55am
This Is Where YOU Belong!
- 90 Members
- 51 Posts
- Public Group
You need look no more for a place to take part in jollification! (...or not! it's up to you) Be yourself. Share your cynicism, horror stories, sentimentality, and thoughts, or poems on love...whoever you are, this is the Home for All.
Latest Post: August 04, 2013, 11:37pm
ebook publishing
- 142 Members
- 112 Posts
- Public Group
I fell in love with eBooks and eReaders. When I discovered Bookrix, it opened up the idea of publishing ebooks as opposed to pBooks. I'll start posting the resources I've accumulated so far and invite anyone else interested in eBook publishing to share their resources, ideas, advice, rants, etc.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 1:59pm
- 186 Members
- 46 Posts
- Public Group
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 9:43am
hush hush fans
- 242 Members
- 23 Posts
- Public Group
whos tired of vampires and werewolves??? i know i am. lets talk about a fallen angel named patch and a girl named nora. lets talk about the love they share. hey lets talk about how delicious peanut butter is.
Latest Post: December 12, 2016, 3:35pm
The Reading List
- 1,228 Member
- 1,960 Post
- Public Group
Advertise Here! Wanted – New or old books, poems, contest entries, and readers looking for new material. Do you have a blog or author webpage you would like to advertise? Join us here at the Reading List where all promotion, suggestions or inquiries are welcome.
Latest Post: January 21, 2021, 10:08am
Dark Romance
- 854 Members
- 277 Posts
- Public Group
A group for lovers of vampires, werewolves, witches, and all other charming supernatural beings of the night. This group is open for all.
Latest Post: October 08, 2019, 5:09pm