blue.girl080’s Friends
- 106 years
- English
- 29 Books
- 809
But enough about me, let's talk about the weather... and me.
- English
- 2 Books
- 24
I Listen To Tons Of Rock & Screamo: ♣ Alesana ♣ All Time Low ♣ Asking Alexandria ♣ Avenged Sevenfold ♣ Black Veil Brides ♣ BlessTheFall ♣ Crown The Empire ♣ Three Days Grace ♣ One Direction ♣ Breaking Benjamin ♣ Evanescence ♣ Falling In Reverse ♣ Sleeping With Sirens ♣ Lana Del Rey ♣ Maroon 5 ♣... Read more...
- English
- 10 Books
- 179
What inspires my writing? Easy, music and dreams.
Usually, I'm listening to a play-list specific to my writing needs.
Current play list: David Gray (LOVE him!), R.Pattinson, Joe Purdy, Ray Lamontagne, Carolina Liar, Muse, Noah and The Whale, Joshua James, fun., and Amos Lee.
Quotes I love:
Reading is to the...
- English
- 6 Books
- 87
It has always been hard for me to write about myself. When I get done, I read it back through, and erase it. This time I won’t. My name is Kristiana. Words to me… are like water. I try to make it so that every drop of my writing is crisp and pure, every word is chosen carefully, and I review it countless times... Read more...
Natascha N.
- German
- 1 Book
- 34
Oha,was für ein Geraffel. :D Ich kann alles Andere super beschreiben, nur bei mir selbst hakt es ein wenig. Ich bin klein und lache sehr viel. Tief in mir drinnen wuchern bestimmt ganz viele unentdeckte Talente, die ich noch nicht kenne, aber eins habe ich vor vielen Jahren entdeckt. Das Schreiben.♥ So kann ich... Read more...
- English
- 3 Books
- 165
i love scary things or supernatural things my fav book is the vampire diaries and twilight. hi i LOVE vampires and supernatural things its bril my fav actors and actresses r wesley paul,Ian Somerhalder and nina dobrev . i love twilight but dont like edward cullen.
- English
- 5 Books
- 456
my name is Hannah and im a very outgoing chick, im usually the party animal but i love to read!♥