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To everyone who reads the obsession trilogy, am letting you know now that I am not on this site as much anymore, but you can read my book on Wattpad. I'll be posting the Original version and the rewritten version which I have been working on. I'll be taking a vote as soon as its done, between the two, to see which one my readers (AKA YOU!) like more and that will be the one I will be publishing.
Thank you!
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Hey! I updated 'Jessica, Jack...and David' hope yuh enjoy. Thank yuh for taking the time 2 read my book. I appreciate it :D

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I'm so sorry I haven't been writing. I've been having family trouble and big things that have been happening in my life that I don't have time to even write anymore. But I will like to let you know that I am starting my writing this week and will let you know when I post it :) sorry to keep you waiting.

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