Accept your life as it is, the way it is coming to you...
"I am the infinite reality"- Self is supreme. Self-talk is a must; stay awakened...
My eBook, excerpt, 'An Encounter With Life as it is'- "Enlightenment is the outcome of insanity. Every sane, simple thing appears mad to you. That is why in our past many saints, scholars, they all have appeared mad. Height of the insanity was; Jesus Christ was crucified"...
Meditate and control your mind. Watch the happening in your life; like a witness- You may start wading through the lake (Life), without getting wet
‘Encounter with life- as it is’- this eBook, is an experience, which I accumulated, I witnessed, in a very deep, silent conversation, with the life itself. Let us share our experiences. Let us explore together
How to stay like an ageless wonder Let us explore together
The best, university, the best, teacher, the best, master, is your life. Your life is teaching you something. You are not listening. You have divided yourself, in many parts, that is the problem. Become like a circle and, listen to this sacred conversation between you and your life
The Universe moves in a mysterious way. Stay curious, like a child. And, watch the sacred opening, like a witness, within you, through meditation
No fear, no inhibitions, no desire, and no ego- this is the stage of enlightenment. Enlightenment is possible through meditation
How to stay an ageless wonder eternally? Let us explore together
Meditate & awake. And in an awakened state of mind watch the happenings in your life, like a witness...