Melody Dupree
Melody Dupree
Melody Dupree is Offline.


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My name is Zahara. I'm looking for a good relationship with you and I have something very important to discuss with you, please contact me here, then I can tell you more about myself, for me to send you my pictures ok, reply me through my private mail box (

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Deleted User

how did you know the person who died?

Melody Dupree


Deleted User

sry whos grave stone is that in yo pic?

Melody Dupree

He was my little brother.

Deleted User

i may or may not start crying now... sorry for your loss

Melody Dupree

Thank you

Important Post
Melody Dupree

*Sniffles, putting a gun up to my head*
Y-You wouldn't c-c-care right?
I'll j-just b-be passing on..
M-My sins, m-my r-regrets, my P-P-
I-It will all... D-disappear..
B-But you don't care....
*Sniffles, my finger twitching over the
Nobody d-does...
*Pulls the trigger, collapsing into a heap
of blood*
Ignore if you truly don't care, and would
have left me there, like everyone else...
Like if you would have... Show more

Important Post
Melody Dupree

Words Words
Bitch and whore
The girl runs away
she slams the door
she takes a knife
and cuts her skin
remembering how screwed up her life has been
she leans to the toilet
throws up to be thin
at school all she has is a grin
She cuts cuts cuts some more
Screaming in pain, blood on the floor
People call her emo people laugh at her face
But they haven't even tried to be in her place
Her dad just died, her mom has depression
her... Show more

Important Post
Melody Dupree

I’m sick of making things worse.
I’m sick of being hurt.
I’m sick of crying myself to sleep.
I’m sick of hating everything.
I’m sick of faking a smile.
I’m sick of feeling this way.
I’m sick of letting people down.
I’m sick of being me.
Repost if you feel the same

Important Post
Melody Dupree

For all of those who had a lot of my stories in their favorites. I deleted them due to negative comments and unnecessary scorn. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Important Post
Melody Dupree

Write a new post...16 year old boy asks his Mom:
"Mom, what are you going to get
me for my 18th birthday?"
The Mother answers, "son
that's still a long way"
The boy turns 17 and one day he
His Mom takes him to the hospital
and the doctor said
"Madam your child has a bad
heart." Being the child On
the stretcher the child says,
"Did she tell you I'm going to die?"
Mom Starts crying
The boy finally recovers on
his 18th Birthday, he... Show more

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Give away my page

Important Post
Melody Dupree

You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend commited suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you called ugly? He... Show more

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