barrycarver’s Friends
Michelle Kidd
- English
- 8 Books
- 68
Welcome, and thank you for stopping by my page. I’d be honored if you’d like to curl up here and browse my library. Feel free to take off your shoes and sit a spell. I was born and raised in the heart of Virginia, and I’ve dreamed of being a writer since I wrote my first book around age five. Okay, I wrote it in... Read more...
- English
I'm Melissa. Please visit to learn more about me and what I'm doing.
- English
- 2 Books
- 84
I'm a swedish girl, studying anthropology in the US. Hey, California!! And I hope to improve my skills in speaking and especially writing English. I'd love if anyone comments on my stories... and read some books online here.
kaela haynes
- 28 years
- English
i love to write poems and books and when im not doing that im reading love storys.
- English
- 12 Books
- 65
A Soul wiser beyond my years. I have a sixth sense, and only those who really know me know there is actually a seventh. Not into material things in life. I get extremely quiet and moody when things in my life are on and uneven scale. I have walked through the fires of Hell on this earth and know I am a... Read more...
Mia Tchoukour
- English
- 5 Books
- 46
I'm a reader not a writer, animal lover, vegetarian, tree in a nutshell. I've been testing the waters of writing and I still feel I have a long way to go but the encouragement that I get from Bookrix is great and keeps me excited.
- English
- 1 Book
16. Female. Junior. Dreamer. Future Musician and Poet. Insecure. Shy. Awkward. Emotional.
- English
- 57
Hey guys I abandoned this account, being I was a complete dork and looserino when I was younger, feel free to check out my new profile CoonieCat!