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What is up with the community? The first thing I need to understand is how does a writer get out of a dark hole without even a glimpse of light? I'm always trying to hold on finding my way by touch, as dangerous as that is that is the only way I know. I feel anger so deep that I turn green and have nothing to takei it out on. I here my girlfriend screaming at me that's when i punch a hole in the wall and go for a walk on the... Show more

Important Post

Peace I am on a mission to provide for me and my baby writing hard as I can the only thing I can really write good is poetry so that will have to be my much for now.

Jim E. Beer

Poetry works. Write from the gut. Try not to write from the brain. If you write from the gut and don't 'pull any punches', it'll always be good! Then pick your hardest hitting poems and make 'em into a book, with photos relating to the imagery in each poem. Then sell it man. And... Show more


Thanks for the jewel what you said was worth more then a gold chain now back to what I love. They say poetry is not the way to go as a writer I am going to prove them wrong.

Jim E. Beer

Damn straight, now THAT'S what I'm talking about !


I read the the book milk and honey a Poetry book that sold more than a half a million copies bless her heart. I did not find the book mental entertaining and I felt that it was highly overrated but she did put poetry in the forefront were it belongs and hopefully will stay.... Show more

Jim E. Beer

You know, all the best poetry I've read moves me to the core. The 'meter' of the words is very important, if the mental imagery is to be coaxed into view....write it Knightwriter! Feel it in your heart and transcribe that to paper! Peace.

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