Darum dreht es sich in meinem neuen Buch: Ein neuer Weg
Hier der Klapptext: Mina sucht Arbeit, findet jedoch keine - bis sie die Chance ihres Lebens bekommt, was sie allerdings noch nicht weiß. Sie wird in der großen Modefirma der Stadt eingestellt und darf dort die Organisation für die Modenschau übernehmen. Doch was dann geschieht, dass wagt sie nur zu träumen...
==> http://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-sophia-rose-ein-neuer-weg/
hi I just made a book a few weeks ago called Born to die- pelase check it out and if you like it pelase vote it for the compertion :) (btw LOVED dawn)
You've read Shifter War, well this is the it but fixed and continued...
Take a look please :)
Looking at your book titles you must have a wide variety of interests and topics. If you like friend me. I write a lot of science fiction and some books for children 8 and up. Janice
Hiya, um I dunno really, maybe The lost road or Behind the lies and those eyes or Mistakes, I'm not really fussed, is there any of your books you want me to check out and tell you what I think?
;) cool. How is the weather there?
It was nice and sunny but it's night now