ashleybranch13’s Favorites

Tori Whitlock Alegria

What it takes to be a big sister...

  • Drama
  • English
  • 2334 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 2234
  • 54

This is Alegria and she has no dad, a mom who is hardly ever there and if she is there she's not sober. Alergria has a little sister, Alanza. Their mom goes though men like a sick child goes though tissue. What happens when theirs mom think this guy is "the one"? Is he... Read more...

Keywords: rape, sisters, Alegria, Alanza

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The awakening of the half-breed
BB The awakening of the half-breed

Book 2 (in progress)

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 2660 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 731
  • 15

I had finally got settled away from all the maniacs and had all the company I need. But they had to come back and ruin it all. They had to ruin my life once,and now they want to do it again. Well I won't let them!

Keywords: PG-13, half-breed, werewolfs/shapeshifters, vampires, love

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Life Jumper
B.B. Life Jumper
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 4673 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 559
  • 4

"You will do exactly as I saw when I say it. Is that understood Ms.Black?" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why do I have to follow what you say?" "Because if you don't, you'll most likely die. So I'll ask again. Do you understand?" "Yes Ma'am"

April Black is a somewhat normal... Read more...

Keywords: Spy, organization, thriller, etc.

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The Jump
B.B. The Jump

A leap of death

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 2482 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 585
  • 19

I watched from the edge of the 10 story building as people gathered. I wasn't afraid, I had wanted to die, and NOT come back for so long, I did not want to be saved, I shall not be saved. I took a deep breath, but heard a voice, his voice "Juliana! Wait! You don't know... Read more...

Keywords: vampire, love, PG-13, death, sorrow, depression.

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The awakening of the half-breed
Brandi B. The awakening of the half-breed

Book 1

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 7024 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 1328
  • 62

I hated my life of a human, always torchered because of my eyes, sapphire blue with ice blue rings. then one day I wake up in a creeps house and finds out he's a vampire.....grrrreat just what I need another mishap in my life.

Keywords: PG-13, half-breed, werewolfs/shapeshifters, vampires, love

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Unfinished past
K.S Unfinished past
  • Romance
  • English
  • 1338 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 2760
  • 123

Madison ran away from her pack because of her abusing Alpha, but even though she found her mate the Alpha of the rival pack doesn't mean it's over. She is still fighting for her freedom without Tristan's help but does that just put her in a horrible place.

Keywords: werewolf, supernatural, love, mates, alpha, scars

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Slave of love
Kate Slave of love
  • Romance
  • English
  • 2341 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 5373
  • 132

Allison is a normal senior in highschool but her bestfriend is the crazed party type. Mia her bestfriend dragged her to a party where she meet someone, but she didn't know that would be the night everything changed.

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Forever SoulMates
Selena F. Forever SoulMates

"Just sometimes, you meet someone who leaves an indelible mark, on your soul..." ~Unknown

  • Juvenile Fiction
  • English
  • 58819 Words
  • Ages 0 and up
  • 5760
  • 183

Lea Richardson grew up so fast. When she was younger, she always wanted to live a simple life, but her childhood ended so quickly. Her parents got into a car accident, so she have to deal with the death of her mother and her father being in a coma. The only thing that kept... Read more...

Keywords: romance, vampire, love, soul mate

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Trapped in an elevator with One Direction
Kaley Cass Trapped in an elevator with One Direction
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 9927 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 1194
  • 14

What if you were trapped in an elevator for longer then you expect? What if you were trapped with famous british/irish band One Direction? Kylie a nineteen year old finds herself in this situation.. she grows close with the boys and may find herself a better life then she ever had, or maybe not.

Keywords: fan fiction, one direction

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Jasmine Wanted
  • Thriller
  • English
  • 4562 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 2371
  • 66

"Tell us what happen!" The cop slam his fist on the cold metal table."I'm telling the truth." My voice said in a low whisper that send shivers down your spin.He stared at me with pain eyes then open your mouth but I answer before he spoken "My brother was all that I had,So... Read more...

Keywords: one direction!, running, looking, guns, blood and so much more

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