armerpoet’s Friends
Faraz Rahujo
- English
- 1 Book
- 4
My name is Faraz. I am 15 years old boy, and I am from Pakistan. I like to make new and best friends, so talk to me freely. I also like to write books and will publish soon. Hope you will enjoy, Thanks.
Audrey K. K. Wolfeye
- German
- 8 Books
- 49
Ich fotografiere (Naturfotos & Fotos alter, schöner Gebäude) und schreibe eigene Geschichten, Bücher, Gedichte, Songs, Kurzgeschichten. Aktuell arbeite ich an dem ersten Band meiner vierteiligen "Beryllion-Chroniken", einer Fantasy-Reihe und an "Wolfsmädchen", einer dreiteiligen Horror-Reihe.
- 28 years
- English
- 2 Books
- 3
ॐ Download " 5 letters - 3000 words" written by me { free }
- German
Ich bin hier nur Leser. Deshalb darf ich mir auch Rechtschreibfehler erlauben, wenn ich meine Kommentare schreibe. I would say I'm a real nice looking and charming guy. I'm interested in literature and I'm the elite of intelligence. And I'm shy. Ps. I love the novels from Nicolas Spar k s. But this is a secret.
- 22 years
- English
- 7 Books
- 90
Nemophilist. Pluviophile. Melomaniac. Ambivert. ~The tiny one, with not so tiny dreams! ♥ "And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had ..."