Hey, you added me as a friend on here, on your own head be it by the way lol so i just wanted to say merci ma copain :)
are you French or so? D.
No, I'm Irish. I just did French for GCSE, and I like using it in my thank you messages cause it makes it a bit different :)
What nationality are you????
I think I got what the story was about, but it's extremely confusing. You refer to Aracus (love the name) in the third person, but then switch to first person by using "I". Are they they same one? And who are the other characters? You introduce them all with no background, no back-story, no explanation, and by page 5, I was totally lost. You also have a lot of run-on sentences. I would suggest making an outline of the plot,... Show more
Sorry, what is the title of story you are applying the theory you exposed? Dave
Here you go:
My comment wasn't a theory, by the way, just an observation about principles of good writing, lol.
Haiiiiii thug life is the way to go, broski! Dueces! Reply:3
I'm just making sure that you won't start talking about your dick thinking I'm another guy
haha, start talking about my dick? I'm sure that I won't talk about that with anyone.
You never know, I know guys that talk about their dick 24/7