Hey! I was hoping that you would he able to check out my books, it would mean alot if you do check it out ^.^ I would really appreciate it if you would give me negative and positive feedback on my books! I really do hope that you would check it out and give me your thoughts XD
One of my books is called 'Complicated love' it was one of my first ^.^
My two other books,... Show more
http://doitsu15.deviantart.com/ my deviant art!
working on the third part to my first series but so preoccupied with China cosplay
hey, sorry i haven't been updateing my books lately! (seriously) i've been busy with school and such, you know... anyway, i'll TRY to update my first series of scarletkey books as i can, or i should say now that i can... don't hold me to that..
I'll have to check it out sometime
Sorry, but I took down all my books to focus on my studies. Sorry but thanks anyways <3
alright that's fine things happen ^-^