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H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?-ab736bec14e7a65

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whatever it is you are working on its seems to be about your character. Have you tried getting it out through sculpture or art?

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You still have a story to relate in your heart, Lilly. We will miss you and remember you are always welcome here.

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Sometimes life gives you curve balls, you either Dodge, or get hit. It's when you get hit that matters, because you have to confront it. You have to look life right in the eyes and accept it. Life won't move on if you keep dodging. If you hide, there will be nothing to look forward to. You will have nothing left to hide from.

What I'm saying is imbrace the curve balls. Find away to catch them and keep them in the palm of your... Show more

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Oml Lilly...I miss you. ;-;


I'm sorry

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Omfg! Hey!

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Do you ever stop and think about other people? Not the ones that you care about. Not the ones that care about you, but the ones that change you.

People are the reason your the way you are. They are the ones that make you feel. They are the ones that make you think. Most if the time they make you change, not in a good way. They are the ones that can make you regret everything in life.

It's your choice to listen or not. Because... Show more

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How much will you change for someone you love? What will you do to change who you are for them? How will you show them that you really care?


If you truly love someone, you will do anything and everything for them. No matter the cost. No matter the outcome.

You will show your love.....

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The best people are the ones that aren't afraid to hide who they are. They are the ones that accept who they are. They are the ones that don't care what people think. It's because they have nothing to hide. They don't hide under a skin or a fake face. They are the ones that will love you for who you are.

I wish i could find someone like that..............

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Love is the way you think, feel and see. If you have no love, the way you think would not be the same. You would have no where to go with your thoughts. The way you feel would never be the same. You would never know what it's like to feel things. To know things, to love things. The way you see is with wonder and compassion. What happens when you don't question what you see? When you don't like anything in your life? Suicide,... Show more


oml i love that...



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Life can amazing if that is the path that you want to choice. But it’s the path that will lead the way. They say that you always need to move on from the past because it already happened. But it’s what happened in that past that makes us what we are now, and what we are going to be. Yes, this is stupid mushy stuff and all that. But life is about sharing what you feel and why you feel that way.

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