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I would like to give you a look at my first eBook that has done the step from a german book, to the english version. It´s now available on amazon.com

The title is "The Curse - Touch of eternity"


I would be happy, if you would have a look on the reading sample with the look inside.

A centuries old... Show more

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I would like to say YEA! I finally overcame readers block!

I was having trouble trying to figure out what to write for my next chapter.

Plus, new stories keep going through my head and I am trying so hard NOT to write a new book! I already have four and its hard trying to get them all updated. Different stories, different characters, yes..it's really difficult.

But I am sorry you guys have waited and waited. I am here to tell... Show more

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thanks for the heart

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Thanks for the heart on The Wolf In Me! Hope you enjoyed it..I will keep you updated as well.

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I have just updated The Queen Of The Dogs! Check it out!

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I was supposed to update Covered yesterday BUT the website beat me to it and went under construction...sucks I know!!

But a new chapter has been added and I hope you love it! I love it already haha! :) ENJOY!!

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Thanks for the heart means a lot to me and please read my other stories if you have the time. Thanks again


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Okay so, I have been in a happy mood lately guys and I just had to write more. This whole weekend I am dedicating my time into writing more of Covered. For the people who love Chase, I will keep you posted as well. Covered will keep being updated all weekend with new chapters. And now, Covered is just updated with a new chapter. Check it out! I know you will love it! I did. :D


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